Veteran Firearms LLC
  • December 4, 2022 7:48 am
  • Bakersfield, California
Veteran Firearms LLC offers firearm training to elite military personnel, law enforcement officers, and free citizens of the US. We knowledgeable Americans take our rights very seriously, and the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees each citizen the right to keep and bear arms. However, with each right comes an equal responsibility to discharge that right effectively, legally, safely, and within the bounds of morality. Rights demand responsibility. Owning a piano does not make one a pianist any more than owning a handgun makes one a good shooter. Only an effective, safe and authoritative program of study can guarantee that in a moment of danger YOU will act to protect yourself, your loved ones, or the ones you are sworn to with self-defense firearms training skills.


  • Service Type : Facility Management

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